We head out on the trails on a beautiful Easter weekend in the Angelina Forest, Texas.
Shiloh is trained to step over obstacles, but he will jump if you ask him. Good seat, Jennifer!
On the trails in the Angelina Forest on our camping trip Easter weekend, 2013.
Jennifer rides her buckskin gelding "Shiloh" while her daughter Natalie rides the chocolate Rocky Mountain gelding that we have for sale "Nitro" beside her, with Jasper leading the way on the gorgeous red roan gelding "Pink Floyd".
Click on embedded arrow ABOVE to see Shiloh's workout on 4/6/13.
Cloud 9 Walkers
P. O. Box 878
Hardin, Texas 77561-0878
(55 minutes east of Houston)
(Entire contents of this website copyrighted by Cloud 9