Gorgeous Stocky 14.3H 4-yr-old Black & White Tobiano Spotted Saddle Horse Gelding
Click on embedded arrow ABOVE to see our recent Angelina Forest/Lake Sam Rayburn trail riding/camping trip in December, 2011.
Click on embedded arrow ABOVE to see Part Two of our recent Angelina Forest/Lake Sam Rayburn trail riding/camping trip in December, 2011.
Gorgeous, classic beauty. Excellent health, perfect healthy hard hooves, round rump with crease, sloping shoulder, beautiful face, long wavy mane, gorgeous long, thick white tail with black streak -- just a beautiful animal!
"Shane" -- Gorgeous, very gentle, people-loving 4-yr-old 14.3H stocky black and white Spotted Saddle Horse gelding with gorgeous 50/50 color pattern, cute little refined head, kind eyes, sweet disposition, sweet little racking gait. He flexes and backs, goes anywhere you ask him, and learning to forehand turn, pivot, sidepass. Shane would make a nice perfect-sized family horse and great candidate for a competitive trail riding career. $4500
Cloud 9 Walkers
P. O. Box 878
Hardin, Texas 77561-0878
(55 minutes east of Houston)
(Entire contents of this website copyrighted by Cloud 9 Walkers)