Flashy 14.3H - 15H 5-yr-old Unusual Bay Roan Tennessee Walking Horse Gelding
Unusual Color, Different from Everyone Else
Smooth Four Beat Gaits, Cute Personality
Click on embedded arrow ABOVE to see our beautiful snowy ride in Kentucky on 10/6/10.
Click on embedded arrow ABOVE to see us on the winter trails at Big South Fork in Kentucky.
Far Right: Huey sits astride Poppy and Roseanne sits on Soldier while waiting to go on our Saturday evening trail ride while Victor rides Caruso (far left) on 11/28/10.
Click on embedded arrow ABOVE to see our little country ride on 11/28/10.
Roseanne leading the way on Ranger, Huey on Poppy, Jill on Blue, and Don following on Soldier on 11/26/10.
Click on embedded arrow ABOVE to see our beautiful ride at Pundt Park on 11/26/10.
Click on embedded arrow ABOVE to see a training video for Poppy, including meeting his own little herd of goats and sheep!
Click on embedded arrow ABOVE to everyone and a granny riding Poppy in the forest, leading, riding in the middle, and following (on our camping trip during the week of 11/4/10).
Click on embedded arrow ABOVE to see Poppy on the highway, and learning his lateral moves on 11/15/10.
Click on embedded arrow ABOVE to see Poppy at his first competitive trail obstacle ride on 11/13/10.
Click on embedded arrow ABOVE to see our 'reunion' camping trip (lots of customers, friends, and horses purchased from us) at the Angelina Forest during the week of 11/4/10.
Click on embedded arrow ABOVE to see this cute unique horse in action.
Bud takes Poppy down the trail on 8/31/10.
Unusual, catchy, beautiful color!
Trail horse deluxe!
"Poppy" -- You don't see bay roans very often, and you rarely see one this beautiful! His base coat is bay and the roan gene adds a silver sheen to his coat, except his ears and face are still red. His ears are tipped black, he has black stockings, and his long, thick mane and tail are black with silver streaks. He has cute little red polka dots all over his rump and the big white star between his eyes accentuates his cute, sweet face. Now, I admit, all of that is a woman's perspective.
Either gender will enjoy his athletic, sure-footed trail skills, started in Tennessee/Alabama, has been camping in Kentucky, New York, Texas and South Carolina. He is keg shod, shakes his head and walks like the textbook description of the Tennessee Walking gait, will pick up his head and perform a thrilling fast rack, and then as a bonus, he can slip easily into a slow, athletic canter. He is learning to neck rein and we will begin to teach him pivot, forehand turn and side pass soon. Since we haul almost all the time, trailer loading/unloading is a non issue -- last week we used the trailer as a stall for him to eat in on the trail. He's about 14.3H, almost 15H and we expect him to continue to fill out and be a nicely athletic, stocky build -- he is 5 years old with the trail skills of a 12-yr-old. Most riders would probably feel comfortable on him, and all riders will LOVE his true four-beat effortless floating gait. $4750
Animated and beautiful in his fast racking gait, and he's wearing nothing but keg shoes!
Cloud 9 Walkers
P. O. Box 878
Hardin, Texas 77561-0878
(55 minutes east of Houston)
(Entire contents of this website copyrighted by Cloud 9 Walkers)