"Belle Starr"

Beautiful Stocky 15.1H 10-yr-old Dappled Buckskin Tennessee Walking Horse Mare

Direct daughter of Multi World Grand Champion "Alen's Belfast Bandit"

Spotted Alen Again/Ebony Masterpiece/Triple Threat bloodlines


People frequently ask, "How does he/she get along with other horses?"  A picture tells the story . . . Belle Starr (the mare) on the left and July (the gelding) on the right share a munching session on a hay bale on 3/6/11.








THIS is what we do.  We recently put together a "reunion/refresher" camp, which several previous customers brought their horses to, rode with us, we offered pointers and helped with any issues they might have questions about, and had a very, very LARGE time!  Gourmet meals at camp, fellowship dinners, singing and laughing around the campfire.  Click on the above embedded arrow to ride along with us.





Click on embedded arrow ABOVE to see our country ride on 2/16/11.














Getting ready to hit the highway!  (See video above)


Dee was making Belle Starr look FINE!
















Riding down a busy highway, and down a country road -- wonderful high-stepping natural racking gait, and then a beautiful four-beat head-shaking true Tennessee Walk.














How many scary critters can we possibly get in the same pasture?  The donkeys were braying and the llama was hissing, threatening.




Belle Starr packed a coyote back to camp on 2/8/11.



Great, sure-footed, great stamina, nice mountain horse!


"Belle Starr" -- An extremely fun, versatile horse!  This beautiful 10-yr-old dappled buckskin Tennessee Walking Horse mare performs many gaits, and all with exceptional style.  In a word association test, I would have to choose the word "style" to describe her.  If you ask her to 'turn it on', she arches her neck like a stallion and lifts her front feet like a parade horse, just beautiful.  Out on the trail, she is pretty fearless, and performs the most wonderful, flowing, head-shaking true textbook Tennessee Walking Horse flat walk and running walk that you could wish for.  She is not mellow or lazy, so I wouldn't think a timid or total beginner rider would feel comfortable on her, but advanced beginner and up will have a blast.  She has been ridden on TN and TX trails.  Even experienced riders would love her, because she's had the miles put on her, yet she's fun, responsive.  Belle Starr is built like a stock horse, a Quarter Horse type build with her nice round rump, wide chest, beautiful correct conformation, straight legs, solid black hard hooves.  Farrier says she is an absolute DREAM to handle . . . he put keg shoes on her front feet and trimmed her hind feet, left them bare.  He says she was a total sweetheart, even anticipating him picking up her feet and holding them in the air for him when he walked around to work on her. 

Belle Starr is a direct daughter of the winning "Alen's Belfast Bandit", which is a direct son of my favorite Spotted Horse "Spotted Alen Again" (I sure hope they're freezing and storing his semen!), and out of a Triple Threat/Pride/Go Boy mare.  She has been bred once, to a palomino ("Armed Son of a Gun") and the result was a buckskin filly!  $3950


Hannah rides Belle Starr in figure 8's, using her to practice consistency. 














This mare has a beautiful presence, gorgeous stocky build, graceful curve to her arched neck.





Click on embedded arrow to see this gorgeous mare gaiting.



  |--- SPOTTED ALEN AGAIN ---| 816738   BA-TO ---|--- MIDNIGHT CURLEE "P" 651757   YL
  | 857584   CH-TO |
  |--- LADY ELDORADO B. |--- SUNS ELDORADO 560160   BL
  893128   BU-TO
  | |--- GLORY'S XMAS BELLE ---| 771039   BL ---|--- GUNSMOKE'S GYPSY L. 682539   SO
  | 846582   RN |
  BANDITS BUCKSKIN ANNIE 815796   CH ---|--- BELLE MACK K. 715636   CH
  20005190 BU
  | |--- MARMADUKE |--- CLOWN'S SPUR 621426   BA
  | |--- STAR OF SPUR ---| 775511   BA ---|--- ANN'S CANDY THREAT 694492   BA
  | | 886388   BA |
  | | |--- MISS J.J. |--- ROYAL MUSTANG 623199   NC
  STAR'S ANN 722183   BL ---|--- PRIDE'S IDEAL GIRL 501443   CH
  956816   BA
  | |--- THREAT'S OWN IMAGE |--- TRIPLE THREAT 612233   * BA
  |--- THREAT'S SUE ANN ---| 835884   BA ---|--- PRIDES SUNSHINE E 741273   BL
  906050   BA |
  |--- SUE'S SIZZLER |--- GO BOY'S DUKE K. 610837   NC
  680387   BR ---|--- SUE'S GLORY GIRL 560177   BL
  *-World Grand Champion



Belle Starr's Sire:

Alen's Belfast Bandit



Golden Supreme Champion

Eight-Time World Grand Champion Open Shod

Twenty-Time World Champion Spotted Saddle Horse

Winner of 60 blues in halter and lite shod competition











Bandit is one of the top stallions in the industry. He is a Golden Supreme Champion and has won 20 World Champion titles and 8 World Grand Champion titles- mostly in Open Shod classes.
 He is a 21 year old gorgeous dark buckskin tobiano with a walk that won't quit. His babies are proving themselves in the halter show ring and now under saddle.
 Bandit has an incredibly sweet disposition and a heart of gold. Shortly after we purchased Bandit, Chris Jackson brought him from Tennessee and took him to the NC State Fair for us. He convinced Bryant to ride him in the Lite Shod Championship class. Bryant had never been on Bandit before, and had only been in the show ring a handful of times. Bryant jumped on Bandit two minutes before ring time and Bandit gave him the ride of his life by winning the Lite Shod Championship, in an impressive class of horses!
There's a lot to be said about a horse that can win this consistently with any rider!



Cloud 9 Walkers
P. O. Box 878
Hardin, Texas 77561-0878
(55 minutes east of Houston)

(Entire contents of this website copyrighted by Cloud 9 Walkers)


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