"Big Dan"

Handsome Dappled Grey 10-yr-old 15.3H Stocky Tennessee Walking Horse Gelding













Big, stocky beautiful dappled grey built like a Quarter Horse with big round hindquarters, nice sloping shoulder, sturdy bone structure. 














"Big Dan" -- 10-yr-old 15.3H stocky Tennessee Walking Horse gelding with beautiful dappled coat pattern and grey/silver eye-catching color.  He has a big, sturdy bone structure, nice round lines, neck reins, performs a nice racking gait with an easy slow canter.  He comes from Pusher/Go Boy's Shadow bloodlines and has spent most of his life with his owner, who recently had two knee replacements and doesn't plan to ride much anymore.  Big Dan is the kind of horse that is wary of a new person, but with a gentle hand, bonds quickly and trusts, and will go anywhere, do anything for his rider.  Because of this, I do not want to sell him to a beginner rider.  Intermediate (horse savvy) owner will love this horse -- no bucking or rearing -- just wariness which dissolves in 2 minutes if you handle him with a gentle hand.  His worst habit is that he moves away from you when you go to mount if you haven't ridden him in awhile.  If he's being ridden once or twice a week, he is pretty much flawless.  $3000














Getting ready to push cattle on 3/23/09.


Click on arrow ABOVE to see Big Dan's smooth gaits.


In Tennessee on 2/8/09.



Handsome guy!  (The horse, of course . . . )


Cloud 9 Walkers
P. O. Box 878
Hardin, Texas 77561-0878
(55 minutes east of Houston)

(Entire contents of this website copyrighted by Cloud 9 Walkers)


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