"Annie Oakley"

Exotic, Gorgeous Black & White 15H

7-yr-old Spotted Saddle Horse Mare



 Click on embedded arrow ABOVE to see Quatro on a few 'despooking' exercises; Liz riding Annie Oakley; Shalyn riding Valentine and Quatro; and Huey riding the beautiful "Pia".


The view from Annie Oakley's back during our trail ride in the Angelina Forest on 7/30/11.



Click on embedded arrow ABOVE to see the view from the saddle while I ride Annie Oakley, and then Cody rides her on our Angelina Forest ride on 7/30/11.


Cody rides Annie Oakley on our trail ride on 7/29/11.


"Annie Oakley" -- Exotic gorgeous 15H 7-yr-old black and white Spotted Saddle Horse mare with stocky build, wide chest, nice rump, long neck with black and white striped mane, medicine hat, and her blue eye is outlined with black like mascara. This mare is superbly gaited BAREFOOT, nice four-beat saddle gait, pleasantly spirited and fun for advanced beginner and up. She is registered NSSHA only. $3500







Bud rides Annie Oakley at home on 6/6/11.



Click on embedded arrow above to see Annie Oakley's cute smooth saddle gaits! Bud is riding her on 6/5/11.



Cloud 9 Walkers
P. O. Box 878
Hardin, Texas 77561-0878
(55 minutes east of Houston)

(Entire contents of this website copyrighted by Cloud 9 Walkers)


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